Retrieving Data

Once you’ve sent data to the Nexosis API and perhaps run a Forecast session to generate some forecasts, how do you get those results back out?

Listing DataSets

You can retrieve a listing of all of the DataSets you’ve uploaded by issuing a GET to /data.

Optionally, you can provide a partialName parameter in the query string that filters the DataSets you get back to only those whose name contain that string.

The response is a summary listing of your DataSets

    "dataSets": [
       { "dataSetName": "Sales" },
       { "dataSetName": "test1234" }

Retrieving Data

You can also pass one or more of the following optional parameters in the query string.

  • startDate - Limits results to those on or after the specified date
  • endDate - Limits results to those on or before the specified date
  • page - Zero-based page number of results to retrieve
  • pageSize - Count of results to retrieve in each page (max 1000)
  • include - Limits results to the specified columns

The response from this request will look like the following:

  "data": [
      "timestamp": "2013-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
      "sales": 1500.56,
      "orders": 150
      "timestamp": "2013-01-02T00:00:00+00:00",
      "sales": 4078.52,
      "orders": 407

Where timestamp is the date and time being observed and values are a dictionary of values observed at that time.