Supported platforms
NodeJs. This package will not yet work in a web browser.
Either install directly into your application at the command line:
npm install nexosis-api-client
or add to your package dependencies and then run npm install:
"nexosis-api-client": ">=1.0.0"
You’ll need your api key to pass to the constructor. If you follow the sample below, it has been added as an environment variable on the host first.
var client = require('nexosis-api-client').default;
var nexosisClient = new client({ key: process.env.NEXOSIS_API_KEY });
Once you have the client, you can interact with Sessions, DataSets, and Imports by accessing a property on the client…
In practice, each of the operations returns a Promise. To access the session data returned from a get for example you would write:
(data) => { console.log(data); }
Pull requests are welcome.
If you run into issues using this client library, create a new issue in github. Please include code to reproduce the error if possible.